Marketing Group Harz

7-P Marketing and Product Management

The Founder

Portrait Thomas Schmieder

Consultant and Lecturer for Marketing, IT & Sustainable Systems

Thomas G. Schmieder

Born in 1958, Hannover, Germany


Studies of Electrical Engineering

Programming for Internet Diolag Systems

Lecture series: The Deeper Benefits of Solar Technology


Marketing Roadbook

Seven steps for Your benefit

Analysis and reorganization of product and service assortments, market opportunities checkup, penetration and reach measure-ment, exploration of distribution routes, es-tablish know-how hedging system, activating yield management, increase sustainable add-on business and customer loyalty.


You could do it Yourself! Before we go commonly in Medias Res, You are welcome to order our method book as a PDF file for a small fee. If a consultation order is placed the amount will be refunded.

Keep it simple

Full-scale marketing is not a devil's work. But it requires diligence and accuracy. In spite of the fact that the term 'Marketing' is often misunderstood, the necessary processes - translated into the respective mother tongue - are usually easily comprehensible.

The Common Way

TSM-Trainers do nothing more than send the mental noise of Your employees through a network of rectifiers. TSM-Trainers motivate Your employees to work in synergy with their colleagues to find the best and most sustainable solutions for your company.

TSM-Trainers are not afraid to praise Your employees for their partial good contributions!

You need to expect Your employees being better than You are after the TSM training! :-)

More fun = more success

Thomas Schmieder Marketing Consultants always take care of the target group and, with a wink in their eyes, like to have a joke at their own expense.

Your employees will be able to discover the hidden powers of your company.


You just have to start. Save your business from chaos, increase profits, engage your employees, and give them the joy of the successful creative process.


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